Dog Emergencies

(Copyright © Linda K. Lawrie.  All rights reserved.)


The following information is taken from the Dog Owner's Guide Website (  Review the signs of emergency situations but realize that the time to learn about emergency treatments is before it occurs.  I am not a veterinarian but even if I was, emergency conditions call for on-hands evaluation.  If you don't have an emergency care service in your area (as many of us who live in more rural areas do not), familiarize yourself with conditions that might occur and the first aid treatments that even a pet owner can do while getting veterinary treatment for the problem.


A set of conditions that signal emergency are shown next -- then other resources such as articles that discuss items to have in a first aid kit as well as other resources that discuss first aid treatments.  Of course, dog owners should know how to take their dog's temperature, heart rate and be able to recognize abnormal behaviors for your dog.


Is it an emergency?

If the animal has any of the following symptoms, call your local emergency care facility and tell the receptionist that you are bringing in a dog that has

First Aid Kit and other resources

Dog owners can treat minor injuries for their pets if they have the appropriate remedies, tools, and equipment available. The following sites/articles suggest contents to include in a first aid kit.  You also would want to include your dog's name(s) and basic veterinary information including any known allergies, your name and address, your usual vet's name, emergency vet care facilities.  If you are traveling, you should consider looking up some of this information in advance.


For dogs with special conditions, you would want to have an emergency supply of their medications.  Of course, any medications in the kit should be kept up to date.


First Aid Kit Contents (articles):

There are several first aid books available.


One general health reference that I personally recommend is:

Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook (3rd Edition), James Giffin MD and Liisa Carlson DVM

CPR can be done on your pet.  A video is available at (and probably at other places):


In addition the Red Cross offers first aid courses for pets as well as a book:

In GRRRR's area, OK (Norman) and MO (St Louis) have courses for pets as well as IL (Urbana).

Other web sites that discuss emergency situations: (search on "emergency")